Client testimonials

I started working with Kate in September 2023, I was sceptical at first, I thought I needed someone to tell me what to eat and when to eat it. Instead Kate worked with me on how to eat and how to get the best out of my dietary choices in a sustainable way. I cannot recommend Kate enough in her professionalism and knowledge on nutrition. I never once felt judged by her even when my decisions were not conducive to the results I wanted to see. 

When I started working with Kate, my cholesterol results were high, I felt lethargic and was 40kg overweight. Now after my last session with Kate, I have lost 25kg of body fat, my cholesterol is in a healthy range and I am armed with knowledge and skills about nutrition that I wouldn't have otherwise had and that I know will help me lose the remaining 15kg and maintain it. Thank you so much Kate for making my life immeasurably better, cannot recommend your expertise and advice enough!
- Demitri, 27

I came to Kate needing some help with my diet after finding her on social media. I’ve been an athlete for half of my life, for most of the time I had my diet in good order and had my weight in a good place for athletic performance, and then COVID hit. I managed to gain a lot of weight, and was on the mend to get it back down, but I was still having some issues.

Following a plan I had for myself, but I was still having symptoms that were clashing with my athletic performance and bringing me down, bloating and belly gas, excessive and putrid flatulence. I needed a little push in the right direction, which I found after consulting Kate.

She answered all of my questions, guided me with strategic dieting, and got it all back in order. Now I can successfully say I’m not experiencing those symptoms that were hindering my performance, no more gassy bloating, I now have healthy flatulence that’s not occurring inconveniently, my body is even less sore and tired.

 I’d recommend Kate for all of your needs, and I will definitely be returning.


- Jimmy, 31

In 11 months, Kate has totally changed my life; and here's why...


I had never worked with a professional dietitian before, and to be honest I thought I knew it all! I had suffered from dodgy bowels all my life, and believed it was just something I had to deal with, you know, the pain, explosive episodes, incontinence, bloating, the whole nine yards. I believed it was just what I had been given and tried, unsuccessfully, to manage it. I am sure you can all relate to the fear of the unexpected call to the loo, the panic of not being near a toilet, the embarrassment of flatulence! 

Then last year I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. It was a massive shock, I had no idea. I had gone to the doctor on a hypertensive episode, and a blood test revealed diabetes (my HBA1c result was 9.1 and fasting blood glucose of 12.2mmol/l) and high cholesterol! I didn't know what to do! I had been tested for intolerance foods, and my own attempt of asking "Uncle Google" to guide me was just totally confusing and at times conflicting. One food was good for diabetes, but not for the IBS or my intolerances, and vice versa. I was also morbidly obese, clocking in at a hefty 116kgs (18.2 stones). I needed HELLLLPPPPPP!


And then I found Kate.


I was nervous. I didn't want to be made to feel that my lifetime of bad habits, binge eating and yo-yo dieting had resulted in this sorry state of affairs! I already knew that!

But from the first meeting, Kate was open, approachable, empathetic, and spoke about my conditions in terms of positivity rather than the hopelessness I felt. For the first time, I was guided, supported and most importantly validated in my feelings and experiences. I no longer felt alone and struggling. Kate provided me with exercises to do (not the aerobic kind!), information, and availability if I had a question, worry or needed an encouragement boost.



With the IBS, Kate guided me through the FODMAP diet, resetting my grumbly, badly behaved bowels to neutral, and very quickly I gained control of it. It was life changing! I was freed from the symptoms and fear of my IBS, identifying food stuffs and components that inflamed the symptoms, that indeed had not been found in previous intolerance tests. I could go out without fear (the "I haven't been to the loo yet, I'm going to get caught out in public!" feeling), and Kate got me to a point where I could reintroduce foods, and find the culprits to my IBS.


My diabetes was also quickly brought under control, with Kate explaining, guiding and encouraging all the way. When I recently hit the dreaded "Diabetic Fatigue" (where everything seemed just too much, as only those with a chronic condition can appreciate) Kate took away the negativity, re-centered my thinking, got me to appreciate the work and achievements I had accomplished, gave me new ways to approach what people may call a "slip", but never once was condescending, blaming or used any negative words like "lack of control, slip, or spiral" that I have used on myself. 

Kate also worked with me to explore my life long negative attitude towards food, "the all or nothing mentality: the episodes of binge eating that I had had all of my life. It has been liberating!


With patience, guidance and a great sense of humour, Kate proved to me that food was no longer my enemy, a demon to be battled with every hour!

My last HBA1c, after just 3 MONTHS, had gone down to 5.4mmol/l, below the pre-diabetic level!

At the time of writing I have lost 22kgs (3st 6lbs) and my cholesterol levels have improved so much I no longer take any medication for it.

My IBS is now totally under control, something I thought was impossible to achieve.

My attitude towards food has changed dramatically, and I with Kate's help, I see the immense changes from less than a year ago to now. 




And that has all been because of Kate.


Thank you Kate for giving me a life that no longer has fear, but has positivity, humour, support and encouragement. A road map of solutions that has led me to being the best version of myself I have ever been. Thank you.


- Louise, 52

Louise, before and after

"It has been an absolute pleasure working with Kate over the last few months. I had psoriasis which was unmanaged, and the diet has worked wonders for reducing the breadth of it, reducing inflammation, and improving my general energy levels. Kate is exceptionally knowledgeable, very friendly, and extremely personable. She is research lead and ensures that the diet is tailored to you and provides great support outside of sessions as well. Kate is completely understanding and non-judgmental, she is charming and funny, and creates a very relaxed environment to discuss your health needs and your outcomes whilst setting realistic goals, and offering fantastic advice. She has genuinely had such a profoundly positive impact on my mental and physical health, not only has the psoriasis gone, but I have lost a great deal of weight and feel much more energised, and happier than prior to starting sessions. If you are second guessing if she s right for you then don’t; working with Diets Debunked will be the best decision you have ever made"


- Cameron, 26

"I originally contacted Kate about my IBS symptoms after googling dietitians online. How lucky was I! The sessions I completed over 3 months not only cured my IBS but did so much more. I now understand my relationship with food, the reason for & impact of my decades of yo-yo dieting & just feel so much better all round. I realise it’s not all about the scales & finally feel at peace with my body. My only regret is that I did contact Kate sooner. She has both knowledge & empathy. I cannot recommend highly enough. "

- Emily, 55

"I contacted Kate in June 2023 as she was the best local fit for my issues with IBS and diabetes. I initially wanted to pay monthly, but I was so impressed with Kate’s forms that I immediately switched to paying 3 months in advance. Although I only asked for help with my IBS, Kate also wanted to help with the diabetes aspects of my diet. As a result of Kate’s requests for more blood sugar readings, I decided to invest in the Abbotts Laboratories Continuous Glucose Monitoring sensors. Kate turned out to be an expert on that too.
As a result of our fortnightly Zoom calls, and some cajoling, I have improved my blood sugar compliance levels which has reduced my tiredness. Also, Kate made an unexpected conclusion about the FODMAP foods to which I was intolerant resulting in some diet changes and a significant reduction in my IBS symptoms. Kate’s news has not always been welcome, but fortunately, the ancient Greek custom of killing the bearer of bad news has long been abolished.
Kate has been flexible with appointment times. Kate promptly sends a word document summarising the conclusions of the call in case you forget. Kate seems to be completely up to date on the latest medical research in a fast-moving area of medicine.
I have no hesitation in recommending Kate’s services."

- Richard, 72

"In the 3 months we worked together, Kate has completely transformed my relationship with food. Coming from a background of restrictive dieting from a young age, I wanted to be able to lose weight while breaking the emotional connections I have with food and avoiding falling back into restrictive habits. Not only did she help me do this, but the whole process felt incredibly easy -- I kept waiting for it to feel difficult but it never did!

Beyond that, she's helped me in so many other ways. I feel in tune with my body for the first time in my life (I can recognise when I'm satisfied, hungry, when a craving is driven by stress or emotions) and I have an understanding of nutrition which is far beyond what I could've imagined. Kate has given me the tools to navigate all sorts of social and emotional situations so I know I can handle anything. Most importantly, she's helped me trust myself and has given me so much freedom around food!

Kate has been supportive and encouraging throughout the whole process, and these few months have inspired me to make much wider changes to improve my health and happiness well into the future. I can't recommend Kate enough!"


 - Ella, 22

"I worked through the low-FODMAP diet with Kate and it has been hugely helpful. It is quite a challenging diet but with Kate's help and advice I was able to work through it step-by-step and successfully figure out what foods I need to avoid in the future. It's greatly improved my quality of life and allowed me to be more confident now with what I eat, knowing what to reduce/remove and not forever worrying how something I eat will affect me. Kate is so approachable and creates an environment where you can feel comfortable talking about your issues and symptoms. She was also really supportive throughout the process and I'm so grateful for her support over the last few months!"

- Bekah, 30 

"I had no idea what to expect when jumping into working with Kate and figured that it would be yet another failed dieting attempt- how wrong I was!

For the first time in my life, I have never felt like I was dieting.

I always knew that I needed to eat in moderation, but I never actually knew how to actually do or maintain that. Every trainer or gym person I've worked in the past has been super judgemental for even taking a sniff at "naughty" foods like chocolate etc- as if you've completely gone off the rails.

With Kate, I never, ever felt that I was judged, even on my lowest days. I may have felt like a lost cause and that I would never lose the weight I wanted to, however she never made me feel like that, not once. Kate knew how to make me feel better and empower me, to the point where I have now lost over 12kg (2 stone) and have maintained this weight loss for the first time in my life. The genuine care and support she has shown has been the best I have ever experienced from a professional and means more to me than you could ever imagine. So thank you so, so much Kate!"
- Abid, 43

"Kate has completely turned my life around. After being diagnosed with 3c diabetes, I was overwhelmed and felt my life was falling apart. Kate explained everything in easy to understand words, worked with me in small steps to get my blood sugar stabilised and my weight under control. Kate has been a guardian angel and I don't know what I would have done without her. She is friendly, welcoming and so knowledgeable. Thank you for saving my physical and mental health!"


- Claire, 37

"I needed to lose weight for health reasons. In the past I had tried other approaches, but none of them provided the results achieved by using Kate. Kate worked with me to change my eating habits and better understand nutritional and health impacts of the foods I selected for meals. This also included understanding the impact of certain medication on nutrient absorption as well as better comprehending the key macros to monitor. Kate's knowledge and understanding as a dietitian is simply amazing. I highly recommend her."


- Joe, 35

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Kate Hilton, Registered Dietitian.    HCPC number: DT31087   BDA number: 19187

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